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. 2018 May 29;5(2):193–203. doi: 10.3233/JND-170225

Table 1.

Characteristics of BMD registrants

n (%) Age (mean±SD (median, range)) n (%) Age (mean±SD (median, range)) n (%) Age (mean±SD (median, range))
Patients 192 100 34.80 +/–13.3 (32, 17–78) 138 71.9 36.2 +/–14.0§ (33, 17–78) 54 28.1 31.3 +/–10.5§(27, 16–60)
dead 5 2.6 37.4 +/–11.8 (37.5, 17–60) 0 0 5 100 37.4 +/–11.8 (37.5, 17–60)
Walking capability
  ambulant 100 52.1 32.1 +/–12.3 (30,17–78) 100 72.5 32.1 +/–12.3 (30, 17–78) 0 0
  non-ambulant 92 47.9 37.7 +/–13.7 (36, 17–72) 38 27.5 46.8 +/–12.6 (45.5, 23–72) 54 100 31.3 +/–10.5 (27, 17–60)
Wheelchair use
  never 83 43.2 30.9 +/–11.4 (29, 17–78) 38 27.5 30.9 +/–11.4 (29, 17–78) 0 0
  part-time 36 18.8 39.1 +/–ç 14.1(36.5, 17–72) 24 17.4 42.5 +/–14.4 (43, 17–72) 12 22.2 32.3 +/–11.0 (30, 21–510)
  full time 66 34.4 35.6 +/–13.1(34, 17–65) 28 20.3 44.6 +/–12.8 (44.5, 21–65) 38 70.4 29.0 +/–8.8 (27, 17–53)
  bedridden 7 3.6 50.9 +/–13.7(49, 30–72) 3 2.2 53.0 +/–21.3 (53, 30–72) 4 7.4 49.3 +/–8.2 (48.5, 40–60)
Steroid use
  never 160 83.3 35.7 +/–12.9 (35, 17–72) 124 89.9 36.1 +/–13.4 (33.5, 17–72) 36 66.7 34.3 +/–10.9 (35, 17–60)
  yes 32 16.7 30.3 +/–14.5 (25.5, 17–78) 14 10.1§ 36.9 +/–19.0 (31.5, 17–78) 18 33.4§ 29.2 +/–6.2 (23, 19–48)
  former 15 7.8 30.6 +/–10.4 (27, 20–53) 6 4.3 36.0 +/–11.4 (34.5, 20–53) 9 16.7 27.0 +/–8.4(25, 21–48)
  current 17 8.9 30.1 +/–17.7(23, 17–78) 8 5.8 37.6 +/–24.0 (26.5, 17–78) 9 16.7 23.3 +/–3.7 (23, 19–30)
Respiratory functions
  normal 94 49.0 35.5 +/–13.4 (33, 17–72) 83 60.1 36.2 +/–13.3 (33, 17–72) 5 9.4 23.0 +/–6.8 (23, 17–34)
  decreased 79 41.1 34.8 +/–12.6(34, 17–78) 35 25.4§ 37.6 +/–14.5 (36.0, 19–78) 44 83.0§ 33.0 +/–10.7 (29.5, 18–60)
  not assessed 19 9.9 31.1 +/–13.3 (32, 17–78) 20 14.5 32.1 +/–15.8 (23, 19–72) 4 7.5 23.3 +/–2.9 (22.5, 21–27)
  mechanical ventilation 33 17.2 39.5 +/–11.3 (40, 22–64) 7 5.1§ 46.9 +/–11.7 (44, 30–64) 26 48.1§ 37.5 +/–10.6 (37, 22–60)
  part-time 19 57.6* 36.4 +/–11.3 (38, 22–64) 5 71.4* 48.2 +/–10.3 (44, 40–60) 14 53.8* 32.1 +/–8.5 (29.5, 22–47)
  full time 13 39.4* 43.7 +/–10.6 (48, 26–60) 2 28.6* 43.5 +/–19.1 (43.5, 30–57) 11 42.3* 43.8 +/–10.9 (48.0 26–60)
  unknown 1 3.0* 17 0 0.0* 1 1.9* 17
Cardiac functions
  normal 95 49.5 33.0 +/–13.4 (30, 17–72) 83 60.1 34.0 +/–13.7 (31, 17–72) 12 22.2 26.0 +/–8.9 (22.5, 17–47)
  decreased 97 50.5 36.5 +/–13.0 (35, 19–78) 55 39.9§ 39.4 +/–14.0 (36, 20–78) 42 77.8§ 32.8 +/–10.6 (29.5–19)
Cardiac medication
  prescribed 106 55.2 35.8 +/–12.7 (34.5, 18–78) 60 43.5§ 38.2 +/–13.7 (36, 19–78) 46 85.2§ 32.8 +/–10.6 (30, 18–60)
  not prescribed 86 44.8 33.5 +/–13.9 (30, 17–72) 78 56.5 34.6 +/–14.1 (31.5, 17–72) 8 14.8 22.4 +/–3.3 (21.5, 17–27)
  ACE-inhibitor 70 66.0** 37 71.7** 33 71.8**
β-blocker 66 62.3** 34 56.7** 32 69.6**
  ARB 17 16.0** 13 21.7** 4 8.7**
  Diuretics 10 9.4** 4 6.7** 6 13.0**
  Other 10 9.4** 5 8.3** 5 10.9**
Muscle biopsy
  performed 120 62.5 36.9 +/–13.0 (35, 17–78) 87 63 38.9 +/–13.4 (36, 17–78) 33 61.1 31.8 +/–10.5 (27, 17–60)
  not performed 72 37.5 31.1 +/–13.0 (25.5, 17–72) 51 37 31.4 +/–13.9 (25, 17–72) 21 38.9 30.4 +/–10.8 (26, 18–53)
Dystrophin staining
  faint and patchy 49 73.1 + 39 83.0 + 10 50.0 +
  negative 18 26.9 + 8 17.0 +§ 10 50.0 +§
Family history
  yes 80 41.7 37.2 +/–14.8 (35, 17–78) 67 48.6§ 37/5 +/–15.2 (35, 17–78) 13 24.1§ 46.0 +/–23.9 (38, 22–60)
  no 112 58.3 33.0 +/–11.9 (30, 17–65) 71 51.4 34.9 +/–17.8 (33, 17–65) 41 75.9 29.7 +/–9.3 (27, 17–51)
  sibling 43 22.4 34 50.74626866 8 61.53846154
  maternal relatives 32 16.7 28 41.79104478 4 30.76923077
  mother 6 3.1 5 7.5 1 7.692307692
  sibling’s children 4 2.1 3 4.5 1 7.692307692
  grandchildren 2 1 2 3.0 0 0
  unknown 1 0.5 1 1.5 0 0
  deletion 137 71.4 36.2 +/–13.9 (35.0, 17–78) 102 73.9 38.1 +/–14.5 (37, 18–78) 35 64.8 30.5 +/–10.3 (27, 17–53)
  duplication 16 8.3 32.5 +/–12.3 (31.5 17–60) 6 4.3 28.3 +/–9.9 (27.5, 17–43) 10 18.5 35.0 +/–13.4 (33.5, 18–60)
  small mutation 39 20.3 30.9 +/–10.4 (17–63) 30 21.7 31.1 +/–14.0 (33, 17–78) 9 16.7 30.2 +/–9.0 (27, 21–47)
  in-flame 108 70.6 # 96 89.7 12 26.1
  out-of-flame 45 28.4 # 11 10.3§ 34 75.9§
  stop-codon 16 13 3

*percentage among participants with ventilator use. **percentage among participants with cardiac medication. +percentage among participants with IHC. #percentage among participants with deletion/duplication mutations. §:significant difference between BMD and IMD.