Fig. 3.
MS/MS fragmentation pattern of three different PG-based lipids in positive ionization mode. Fragmentation pattern of PG16:0/18:1 (m/z 749.53) (A), AcylPG16:0/18:1/18:1 (m/z 1,030.80) (B), and Acyl-PG-like?/C32:0 (m/z 963.76) (C). Acyl-PG-like species are related to PG and Acyl-PG, in having the same LC-retention time and loss of a fragment ion corresponding to a PG headgroup (172.01 Da). These lipids also characteristically lose additional fragment ions (240.247; 266.26; or 268.276 Da) that may correspond to loss of fatty alcohol. Acyl-PG species were only detected in the IM fraction, whereas Acyl-PG-like species were detected in the IM and OM fractions. Acyl-PG-like species were completely missing in the ΔtmaT mutant. Altogether, 11 PG, 3 Acyl-PG, and 4 Acyl-PG-like species were detected. While the additional fatty acyl chain is shown linked to sn-3 hydroxyl group of the glycerol headgroup, attachment could also occur on the sn-2 hydroxyl (blue arrow).