Table 4.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) clinical stage based on the neurologist’s clinical judgment (gold standard)
Clinical stage | Clinical characteristics |
Initiala | Very mild clinical manifestations; absence of disability; and no need of pharmacologic treatment or only initial therapy at low effective doses |
Milda | Mild clinical and functional manifestations; minimal or no complications; and satisfactory response to conventional pharmacologic therapy |
Moderatea | Moderate clinical manifestations and disability; good response; some complications are present, although not satisfactory to the conventional pharmacologic therapy |
Advancedb | Severe clinical manifestations and disability; severe motor and non-motor complications; partial poor response to conventional pharmacologic therapy |
Late-stageb | Very severe clinical manifestations and disability; very severe motor and non-motor complications; no response to conventional pharmacologic therapy |
aNon-advanced PD
bAdvanced PD