Resurgent NaV current (INaR) of NMc neurons. (A–C) Representative current traces in response to voltage-clamp protocols that elicit INaR (if any) shown below traces. The amplitude of the conditioning step is +30 mV in (A), 0 mV in (B) and –30 mV in (C). The duration of the conditioning step is 10 ms. (D) Population data showing the INaR amplitude plotted as a function of repolarizing membrane voltage (VMEMBRANE) for NMc neurons, in response to the conditioning step shown in (A,B). (E,F) Population data showing the INaR time to peak (E) and decay time constant (tau, F) as a function of repolarizing membrane voltage (VMEMBRANE), in response to conditioning step of +30 mV. Error bar = standard error.