Fig. 2. Genome-wide methylation differences in the hypothalamus.
a MIA-induced DMRs plotted against chromosome locations, with Track1: mouse genome with cytobands. Track2: connectors between the gene names to the chromosome location. Track3: differentially methylated genes connected to the locations. Track4: red dots indicating hypermethylated sites and blue dots indicating hypomethylation. Track5: CpG site distance to the gene; red indicates after transcription start site (TSS) and blue indicates before TSS. Track6: negative log q-values for the corresponding CpG sites at that genomic location. Track8: comparison of Δmethylation distribution detected from MIA effect and omega-3 effect. Y axis indicates percentage Δmethylation values, x axis represents CpG sites from 165 stabilised genes. b Quantile–Quantile plot for MIA-induced differentially methylated CpG sites, ‘observed’ p values are plotted on the y axis against ‘expected’ values on the x axis. The red line indicates the distribution of p value under the null progression. Control group comparison is expected to follow the null and is plotted to check the level of ‘noise’. c Quantile–Quantile plot for differentially methylated CpG sites following dietary intervention. Observed p values are plotted observed on y axis against expected values on x axis. The red line indicates the distribution of p value under the null progression. Control group comparison is expected to follow the null and is plotted to check the level of ‘noise’. d Methylation profile of genes affected by MIA after n-3 intervention. (1) 165 genes stabilised by n-3 PUFA dietary intervention (Orange); (2) 40 genes affected by MIA but not affected by n-3 PUFA (Blue) and (3) not altered by MIA but altered by n-3 PUFA diet (Green)