Fig. 7.
Intraday repeatability of SICI measurements. None of the SICI measurements showed a significant bias between the recording sessions within the same experimental day (runs 1 and 2). However, broad 95% limits of agreement and large coefficients of repeatability indicate the considerable variability of these parameters within subjects. For example, if initial measurement of A-SICI70 was 50% test MEP, a repeat measurement between 0 and 102% test MEP would not be considered a significant change. Similarly, if initial T-SICI70 was 20% RMT0.2mV, a repeat measurement between 6 and 34% RMT0.2mV would reflect a measurement noise, not a true change. Difference between sessions was calculated as (Run 1 - Run 2). Dots represent data of individual subjects, bold pink line indicates mean difference (bias), bold purple lines - upper and lower 95% limits of agreement. Shaded areas represent 95% confidence intervals for bias (light pink) and 95% limits of agreement (grey). Black dotted line - line of identity. CR – coefficient of repeatability. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)