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. 2018 Jun 26;9:893. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00893

Table 6.

NDVI GWAS-QTLs for UAV-Sequoia (DAP: 55, 77, 83, and 91) and Tractor-GreenSeeker platforms (DAP: 58, 76, 84, and 94), leaf chlorophyll content (SPAD) (101 DAP) and dry biomass (105 DAP), commonly detected for at least two traits. QTL significance, tagging-marker R2-value and co-localization with previously known NDVI QTLs are reported.

QTL Marker Position NDVI UAV-Sequoia NDVI Tractor-GreenSeeker SPAD Dry biomass NDVI QTL from literature
cM1 55 77 83 91 58 76 84 94 101 105 QTL2
QNDVI.ubo-1A.1 IWB72019 59.7 4.93 4.6 4.74 3.92 5.03 5.13 e
QNDVI.ubo-1B.2 IWA8557 25.4 6.56 a,d
QNDVI.ubo-1B.3 IWA6917 67.6 5.99 6.99 6.99 7.07
QNDVI.ubo-2A.3 IWB8175 107.0 7.21 3.90
QNDVI.ubo-2B.1 IWB47560 5.9 3.41 4.53 4.82 5.38 5.35 2.69 5.24 5.37 6.29 5.67
QNDVI.ubo-2B.4 wPt-2929 170.6 5.35 6.08 6.3
QNDVI.ubo-3A.1 IWA5039 64.3 4.95 2.91 4.21 e,f
QNDVI.ubo-3B.1 IWB6062 2.4 4.84 6.84 e
QNDVI.ubo-3B.3 IWB8435 41.3 5.37 3.95 4.84
QNDVI.ubo-3B.4 IWB24050 147.2 4.86 8.45
QNDVI.ubo-3B.5 IWB22805 204.5 4.2 4.6 6.79 b
QNDVI.ubo-4A.1 IWB73476 22.2 7.83 4.63 b,f,g
QNDVI.ubo-4A.2 IWB60692 167.6 4.73 6.59 5.38 5.35 5.23 5.23 3.13
QNDVI.ubo-4B.1 IWB70795 2.8 8.01 5.02 4.48 4.79 5.25 5.11 4.34 b
QNDVI.ubo-4B.2 IWB56078 32.9 3.00 7.56 b,d
QNDVI.ubo-4B.3 IWB72120 92.9 5.98 4.15 6.63
QNDVI.ubo-5A.3 IWA3583 112.1 4.23 5.76
QNDVI.ubo-5B.1 IWB73979 14.7 5.89 5.00 5.72 b,d,e
QNDVI.ubo-5B.2 IWB59038 48.9 4.75 c,d
QNDVI.ubo-5B.3 IWB54773 93.9 4.79 f
QNDVI.ubo-5B.4 wPt-0498 109 5.35 3.2 5.67
QNDVI.ubo-6B.6 IWB45581 155.1 3.14 4.59 3.24 4.08 4.75 2.9
QNDVI.ubo-7A.2 IWB44791 59.8 2.61 4.21 5.78 e
QNDVI.ubo-7A.3 IWB58341 131.3 4.90 7.18 4.32 4.63
QNDVI.ubo-7A.4 IWB28063 181.8 3.30 4.37 5.73 6.91 4.61
Global QTL model (R2, %) - 45.0 24.2 59.5 89.6 15.4 15.1 42.1 64.7 97.2 64.0

The full list of GWAS-QTLs is reported in Supplementary Table 12.


Chromosomes of QTL regions based on the tetraploid wheat consensus map (Maccaferri et al., 2015a);


a: (Shi et al., 2017); b: (Pinto et al., 2016); c: (Sukumaran et al., 2015); d: (Gao et al., 2015); e: (Li et al., 2014); f: (Bennett et al., 2012); g: (Pinto et al., 2010);


Tagging-marker R2-values are reported. GWAS significance P < 0.0001 (corresponding to Bonferroni P 0.05 multiple test significance threshold) correspond to a bold underlined font, 0.0001 < P < 0.001 to a bold font and 0.001 < P < 0.01 to a regular font.