Figure 2.
Map of the B14 interaction domains on human IKKβ. A, pulldown of IKKβ by GST-B14. GST protein alone was used as a negative control. IKKβ-SE1, IKKβ (1–756) S177E/S181E; IKKβ-SE2, IKKβ (1–678) S177E/S181E; IKKβ-DN, IKKβ (1–756) D145N; IKKβ-SA, IKKβ (1–756) S177A/S181A. B and C, pulldown of B14 by GST-IKKβ truncation mutant proteins. D, domain boundaries of the IKKβ constructs are shown on the right, and the binding property between each IKKβ construct and B14 is summarized on the left. Each experiment was repeated three times. M stands for protein molecular weight standard marker.