Table 3.
Subdivision of the individual wild boars and the populations from where these wild boars where harvested, based on the answers in the questionnaire, into categories
Category | No of individuals within each category (%) | No of populations within each category (%) |
1A* | 2 (2.2) | 1 (3.3) |
1B# | 14 (15.6) | 7 (23.3) |
2A* | 7 (7.8) | 3 (10.0) |
2B# | 14 (15.6) | 9 (30.0) |
3A* | 48 (53.3) | 7 (23.3) |
3B# | 5 (5.6) | 3 (10.0) |
Total | 90 (100) | 30 (100) |
1 = Fulfils two or three of the following criteria, annual cull of < 15 wild boar/1,000 ha/year, < 3 feeders/1,000 ha or less than 5 years since establishment of the population. 2 = Fulfils two or three of the following criteria, annual cull of < 30 wild boar/1,000 ha/year, 3–5 feeders/1,000 ha or 5–7 years since establishment of the population. 3 = Fulfils two or three of the following criteria, annual cull of > 30 wild boar/1,000 ha/year, > 5 feeders/1,000 ha or more than 7 years since establishment of the population
* Slaughter-waste made unavailable to wildlife
#Slaughter-waste left out in the forest