Fig. 5.
Measure projection analysis (MPA) of the event-related spectral perturbation (ERSP) measure and time-frequency contrast statistical plot (levodopa medication condition comparison in the PD group). Fig. 5A displays 3D representation of the brain area of ERSP domains on the MNI brain template. Fig. 4B shows anatomical localization of each domain. Fig. 4C and D show ERSP measures from Domain 1 and Domain 2 on each condition in PD group and time-frequency contrast statistical plots. The x-axis denotes time (ms) with M0 representing movement onset, −300 representing 300 ms before movement onset and 150 representing 150 ms after movement onset. The logarithmic y-axis depicts frequencies from 3 to 50 Hz. The plots are color scaled based on decibel where positive values are warm colors and negative values are cool colors. In the right plot which shows statistical levodopa medication condition differences in the PD group, red color indicates statistically greater decibel values (i.e. ON-Medication condition > OFF-Medication condition) whereas blue indicates lower decibel values (i.e. ON-Medication condition < OFF-Medication condition). The green regions indicate non-significant areas of the plots. The statistical results were FDR corrected p < 0.05.