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. 2018 Jul 3;13(7):e0199687. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0199687

Table 3. Patients and provider experiences of the mHealth intervention for TB case investigation.

Evaluation domains Quote
Cognitive participation QUOTE 1:“Yes I would recommend it, at least it saves you time than you coming to the clinic standing in a queue and you will get the same result as the one you will get on your phone. When you get it on your phone, you at home, you do not leave, or when you are at work, and sometime at work you cannot get day offs just to come and collect results. And when you come to the clinic to collect your result you must come in the morning. You see, it clashes with the time to work. When you get via a text message it is easy, you can go to work and still get your result. Female TB negative patient no 5, clinic B
QUOTE 2: “I strongly recommend it because we have a community that moves around a lot, so it will help because people leave the sputum then go to KZN [Kwazulu Natal Province]. If they have this system in place, they would go to the nearest clinic and show them the result and start them on treatment”. Female, facility manager clinic B
QUOTE 3: “Yes [I would recommend it]. It will make TB rooms work much easier. If it can be something that is used permanently in all the clinics it can make everything easier. It really makes things easier; we do not have to wait for hard copy because the printing of results delays sometimes and you can get the results after 2 days. But this one [text message intervention] you get your results within 24hrs like I send a sputum today and tomorrow morning the results are back I initiate the patient without me waiting for hardcopy which can take even 3 days because a human error happens there courier takes the results to another or wrong clinic then it delays the process of starting TB treatment”. TB nurse, Clinic A
Collective action
QUOTE 4: “we did experience challenges in the beginning because the tablet scanner was not able to capture barcode and it was delaying us. Then we reported it to the research team leader who acted fast and they got us a manual scanner and …..capturing of barcode was faster“. TB nurse, clinic B
QUOTE 5:yes I got the text message, .the sister said when I get a text message, she gave me these other numbers [the pin code], [and] she said I must send to that number. She showed me how. I did what she said, [but] I did not get [result], so I never got the result. Male TB negative patient 3, clinic B
QUOTE 6: “They sent them [results] but I was not responding in a good way until I came to the clinic and they assisted me in getting the results, I pressed wrongly on my phone. Male TB positive patient no 3, clinic B
QUOTE 7: “text message I got it, but, I am not well educated, I asked the ones that are, they said I did not have TB, but I may have it, they will follow on it. Male TB negative patient no 3, clinic B
QUOTE 8: “Most of the patients were coming back before I call them or send a tracer, if their results were positive. TB nurse, Clinic B
QUOTE 9: “The person I saw here when I arrived treated me well a nurse that work here in TB room, I told her I have received the results and the text saying I have got TB then she said I must wait next to Tb room since there was someone in the room then I will get in when they leave, I did not even take long maybe ±20 to 30 minutes to finish, I got helped very quickly. Male TB positive patient 5, Clinic A
Reflexive monitoring QUOTE 10: “It [the text message intervention] help that client came quicker to start treatment, they didn’t delay in coming, others even before we could think they would be here they were already in the clinic to start treatment and those who were lost to follow-up we could immediately see that these need to be contacted so that they can come and start treatment. Facility manager, Clinic A
QUOTE 11: “Patients were satisfied because some of them did not have to ask for permission [from work] to come to the clinic more especially the ones that the results come back negative. Facility manager, Clinic B
Confidentiality QUOTE 12: “sister like I know my phone it’s mine, it’s my private inside, even if I get a text I will open it and see it myself, and no one will know what is happening on my phone, I think it’s a good way to receive your result through text through the phone. Than to come to the clinic sister, and for the sister to see it. Male TB negative patient no 2, clinic B