Figure 1. DLK is necessary for the development of mechanical allodynia and induction of injury markers after spared nerve injury (SNI).
(A) DLK deletion is protective in the von Frey behavior assay following SNI at 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks post injury (wpi). Baseline (BL) mechanical sensitivity thresholds are comparable between DLK WT (n = 9) and DLK cKO (n = 11). ****p<0.0001 by repeated measures ANOVA. (B) Scatter graph to illustrate individual points for DLK WT and DLK cKO at 4 weeks post injury. (C–H) Deletion of DLK reduces injury-induced transcription factors p-c-Jun and ATF3 in DRG following SNI. Representative images of ipsilateral L4 DRG 1 week after SNI stained for p-c-Jun in DLK WT (C) and DLK cKO (D) quantified in (E), and for ATF3 in DLK WT (F) and DLK cKO (G) quantified in (H). n = 6 per genotype. Scale bar in (G) valid for all images in this figure: 20 µm. ***p<0.001 by 2-tailed Student’s t test.