Figure 6. Full-Length Type II Cadherin Localization at Homotypic and Heterotypic Contact Sites between Transfected A431D Cells in Co-culture.
Fluorescence images of co-cultures of A431D cells transfected with full-length type II cadherins tagged with either cherry (red) or dendra (green) in the combinations indicated.
(A–E) Wild-type cadherin-11/-11 (A), cadherin-8/-11 (B), cadherin-6/-11 (C), cadherin-8/-10 (D) and cadherin-6/-10 (E) localize to homotypic and heterotypic contact sites according to their binding preferences.
(F–J) Mutations targeting specificity determinants alter localization of mutant cadherin-11 with cadherin-11 (F), cadherin-8 (G) and cadherin-6 (H) and of mutant cadherin-6 with cadherins-11 (I) and cadherin-10 (J). Compare panels linked with arrows. Heterotypic contact sites are delimited by arrowheads at top and bottom.
Scale bar, 50 μm. See also Figure S2.