Fig. 6.
SAN1 functions independently of the FA pathway and does not affect FA pathway activation. a, b CSAs of HeLa WT and SAN1−/− cells treated with scrambled ctrl siRNA or FANCD2 siRNA, in response to Cisplatin and MMC (N = 3). Statistical significance determined by two-way ANOVA. Error bars denote s.e.m. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001. c Immunoblot showing siRNA knockdown of FANCD2 in HeLa WT and SAN1−/− cells. d IF staining of FANCD2 foci in HeLa WT cells and SAN1−/− cells treated with 0.045 μM MMC. e Immunoblot of FANCD2 showing mono-ubiquitylation in HeLa WT and SAN1−/− cells treated with vehicle or 0.045 μM MMC. f, g CSAs of HeLa WT and SAN1−/− cells treated with ctrl or SNM1A siRNA and exposed to Cisplatin or MMC. Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA test. h Immunoblot of SNM1A in HeLa WT and SAN1−/− cells treated with ctrl or SNM1A siRNA