Figure 14.
Euler buckling instability. (a) Inextensible and unshearable rod vertically initialized and subject to the axial load F. (b) Probability P of observing an instability event as a function of the compression force F and the bending rigidity α for a fixed length L=1 m. The corresponding analytical solution is overlaid as reference (white line). (c) Probability P of observing an instability event as a function of the compression force F and the length L for a fixed bending rigidity α=1 Nm2. The corresponding analytical solution is overlaid as reference (white line). The probability P is determined by performing 10 simulations for each pair of parameters (F,α) or (F,L). Each simulation is initially perturbed by applying to every discretization node a small random force sampled from a uniform distribution, such that . The occurrence of an instability is detected whenever the rod bending energy EB>Eth with Eth=10−3 J. Settings: rod’s mass mr=1 kg, twist stiffness β=2α/3 Nm2, shear/stretch matrix S=105×1 N, bend/twist matrix B=diag(α,α,β) Nm2, radius r=0.025L m, discretization elements n=100 m−1, timestep δt= 10−5 s, simulation time Tsim=10 s, dissipation constant γ=0.