Figure 2. miR-342 and miR-363 suppress Runx2 expression and the proliferation and migration of MM cells in vitro.
(A, B) Relative expression of Runx2 in CAG cells transfected with NS-miR-control or miR-342, miR-363, or miR-342+363 mimics was assessed by Western blotting (A) and RT-qPCR (B). (C, D) Non-specific (NS) miR-control or miR-342 (C) or miR-363 mimics (D) were co-transfected with either WT or mutant Runx2 3′UTR-Luc reporter plasmids into HEK293 cells (MT: mutant). Firefly Luc activity was normalized to co-transfected Renilla Luc activity and presented in relative luminescence units. (E) Cell viability was measured by MTT assay in CAG cells transfected with miR-Scramble control or miR-342, miR-363, or miR-342+363 mimics. (F) Transwell migration assays were conducted to assess cell migration in CAG cells transfected with miR-Scramble control or miR-342, miR-363, or miR-342+363 mimics. The P values were obtained by one-way ANOVA followed by Tukey-Kramer post hoc test (ns: non-significant; *P<0.05; **P<0.005).