Figure 1.
Paradigm for Behavioral Task and Whole-Cell Recording across Learning
(A) Diagram of the whole-cell (WC) recording setup (left) and schematic of go/no-go task sequence (right; described in text).
(B) Average learning curves for 21 mice for pre-training sessions (day 1, operant conditioning to the CS+; day 2, discrimination learning for the first odor pair) and discrimination learning with a novel odor stimulus pair on day 3. Whole-cell recordings were made across this learning epoch. Green dashed line indicates criterion of 80% correct. Error bars show SD.
(C) Example Vm traces during odor stimulus for cells recorded in passive mice, aligned to first inhalation onset.
(D) As for (C), but for cells recorded in learning mice.
(E) Heatmap of Vm responses averaged across all trials for each cell-odor pair, sorted by mean Vm response, for both passive (n = 46) and learning (n = 42) datasets. Black bar indicates odor stimulus, aligned to first inhalation onset.
(F) Left: histograms of average 500 ms Vm responses for passively exposed (top) and learning mice (bottom). Red bars indicate significant excitation; blue bars indicate significant inhibition. Error bars above histogram show mean ± 1 SD. Right: cumulative histograms comparing average Vm responses for passive (gray) and learning (gold) cell-odor pairs. Passive, Vm response = −1.5 ± 1.8 mV; learning, Vm response = −1.7 ± 2.4 mV; p = 0.05, Bartlett test.