Table 1.
Key findings of non-DTI magnetic resonance imaging studies of typical white matter microstructural development from 0–25 years since 2007 are summarized. Studies using a variety of imaging techniques find rapid maturation in early childhood (~0–5 years) suggesting ongoing myelination. Studies in older children and adolescents find increases of NDI, but no changes or slight decreases in MTR. Studies using only DTI have been omitted from this table as they are numerous, and have been listed elsewhere in recent reviews (Dubois et al., 2014; Lebel et al., 2017; Qiu et al., 2015; Tamnes et al., 2017).
Paper | N | Ages (years) |
Modality (analysis) |
Model Used | Key Findings of White Matter Microstructural Changes with Age |
| |||||
Perrin 2008 (Perrin et al., 2008) | 408 | 12–18 | T1, MTR (ROI – only CST) | Linear | MTR decrease with age in male adolescents; suggests no major myelin changes in adolescence |
| |||||
Leppert et al, 2009 (Leppert et al., 2009) | 114 | 0–4.5 | T2 relaxometry (ROIs) | Exponential | Rapid, nonlinear decreases of T2 across early childhood in corpus callosum, caudate and thalamus; evidence of posterior-to-anterior progression |
| |||||
Paydar 2014 (Paydar et al., 2014) | 59 | 0–4.6 | DKI, DTI (ROIs) | Exponential | Increases of FA, MK in all ROIs except FA in putamen; largest increases of FA & MK in frontal & parietal WM, ALIC |
| |||||
Dean 2015 (Dean et al., 2015) | 108 | 0.2–5.5 (longitudinal | MWF (ROIs) | Gompertz | Gompertz function – slow, fast, slow |
Sex differences, associations with cognitive abilites | |||||
| |||||
Jelescu 2015 (Jelescu et al., 2015) | 55 | 0–2.75 | WMTI, NODDI (ROIs) | Linear, exponential | Increases of intra-axonal water and tortuosity, trend increase in WMTI but not NODDI fiber alignment in splenium and genu; smaller increases in PLIC |
| |||||
Dean 2016 (Dean et al., 2016) | 18 | 0.25–7.5 | g-ratio (from mcDESPOT & NODDI) | Logarithmic | Decreases throughout brain, continuing across age range |
| |||||
Moura 2016 (Moura et al., 2016) | 176 | 7–14 | MTR (ROIs) and DTI (TBSS, also above in table) | Age bin comparisons | No MTR-DTI correlation; no age-related changes in MTR |
Widespread FA increases and MD and RD decreases, and small clusters where AD decreases | |||||
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Pangelinan 2016 (Pangelinan et al., 2016) | 941/761 | 12–19 | MTR, T1 | Linear | Decreasing MTR, T1 intensity in male adolescents, but not in females; changes in males are mediated by puberty stage and bioavailable testosterone |
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Zhang 2016 (Zhang et al., 2016) | 82 | 0.2–15.5 | MT and APT | Exponential | APTW decreasing exponential, MTR increasing exponential |
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Genc 2017 (Genc et al., 2017a) | 72 | 4–19 | NODDI ROIs | Linear, quadratic, cubic | Widespread increases of NDI; NDI more strongly related to age than any other parameter |
| |||||
Mah 2017 (Mah et al., 2017) | 27 | 8–13 | NODDI | Linear | Widespread increases of NDI; no change in ODI |
Probabilistic tractography |
MTR: magnetization transfer ratio; DKI: diffusion kurtosis imaging; MWF: myelin water fraction; APT: amide proton transfer; NODDI: neurite orientation dispersion and density imaging; NDI: neurite density index; ODI: orientation dispersion index; ROI: region of interest, TBSS: tract based spatial statistics, FA: fractional anisotropy, MD: mean diffusivity, AD: axial diffusivity, RD: radial diffusivity; ILF/SLF: inferior/superior longitudinal fasciculus; UF: uncinate fasciculus; CST: corticospinal tracts