Figure 2.
DNA + morphology phylogeny of crocodilians based on (a) tip-dated Bayesian, (b) parsimony and (c) undated Bayesian approaches. All methods unite living gharials (Gavialis + Tomistoma); however, tip-dating robustly places the long-snounted, ancient thoracosaurs as basal forms outside all living taxa, while parsimony and undated Bayesian analyses place them robustly within the gharial clade. Dark fonts and branches denote living taxa; lighter fonts and branches denote extinct taxa. Living gharials (Gavialis and Tomistoma) are dark red, fossil crown gharials (as identified in Fig. 2a) are light pink; thoracosaurs are light blue. Numbers in (a) refer to clade posterior probabilities; see [8, figures S4–S6] for detailed versions.