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. 2018 Jun 8;50(2):153–159. doi: 10.3947/ic.2018.50.2.153

Table 1. Clinical characteristics, laboratory findings, treatment, and outcome of patients with CMV colitis during dasatinib treatment.

[Ref]/ Patient Age/Sex Hematologic disease Dasatinib duration Lymphocyte Coinfection pathogen Serum CMV DNA titer (copies/ml) Dasatinib during treatment Treatment Dasatinib after antiviral treatment Relapse
[8] F/39 CML, CP 30 month Not mentioned None Not mentioned Stop Ganciclovir for 6 weeks Restart None
1 M/67 CML, CP 14 month 1,744/mm3 None 760 Stop Ganciclovir for 19 days Restart None
2 F/43 CML, CP 2 month 1,115/mm3 Clostridium difficile 1,650 Stop Ganciclovir for 12 days Restart None
3 M/51 CML, CP 14 month 1st episode 4,928/mm3 None unchecked Continued None Continued Relapsed after 6 weeks
2nd episode 4,190/mm3 None unchecked Continued Valganciclovir for 21 day Continued None
4 M/54 Ph (+) ALL 3 month 1st episode 300/mm3 None unchecked Continued None Continued relapsed after 2 weeks
2nd episode 1,398/mm3 Clostridium difficile 925 Stop Ganciclovir for 19 days Restart None
5 F/55 Ph (+) ALL 5 month 251/mm3 None 2500 Continued Ganciclovir for 10 days Stop None

CMV, cytomegalovirus; F, female; CML, chronic myeloid leukemia; CP, chronic phase; M, male; Ph (+) ALL, Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Case of reference 9 was not included in the table because only abstract written in English was available.