Fig. 5.
Translation stimulation by DI mutations in the Bi-Luc context.a Schematic representation of the dual-luciferase construct (Bi-Luc-SG) and insertion region of the mutations (black box). The in silico predicted MFE structures of the inserted mutants are given in the table on the right. Mutants enhancing SLII formation are depicted in green. b, c Translation assay of selected mutants cloned into UTR2. The activity of Nano and firefly luciferase was measured in presence of miRmut or miRWT. d Assessment of the full intracellular replication cycle of the dual luciferase constructs after electroporation with miRmut or miRWT. Replication was monitored via the Nano luciferase signal. Mean values (±SD), n = 3, in technical duplicates. RLU relative light units, ΔGDD replication-deficient mutant. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001