Fig. 6.
Ribosome profiling.a Schematic representation of translation initiation and assembly of the 80S ribosome. The 48S preinitiation complex is constituted of the 40S ribosomal subunit, eIF3 and the (eIF2)–GTP-tRNAPMetP. Hydrolysis of GTP leads to release of eIF2. The L-shape of SLII is crucial for this process. Hence, the ISL mutant, misfolded WT and GMP-PNP, inhibiting GTPase activity, stall the reaction at this stage (bar-headed line). In contrast, miR-bound WT and Δ20 should activate eIF2-release, since SLII is effectively formed (green arrow). Subsequently, eIF3 is released and the 60S subunit is recruited to form the 80S complex. The following transition from initiation to elongation can be inhibited by CHX (bar-headed line). b Monitoring translation by luciferase assay in HeLa cell extracts, using Luc-SG in presence of miRmut or miRWT, DI mutants, GMP-PNP or CHX. c Analysis of HCV RNA distribution in ribosome profiles of HeLa cell extracts. Total lysates incubated with HCV in vitro transcripts were recorded; Relative abundance of HCV RNA from sucrose fractions was analyzed by qRT-PCR. Represented are percentages relative to the total amount in the gradient. The assay was performed with either no inhibitor, GMP-PNP or CHX in the reaction mix. The HCV RNA profile for the control reactions is shown in the top panel. Total RNA was analyzed by denaturing agarose gel electrophoresis (lower panel) to confirm the presence of 18S and 28S ribosomal RNA and distinguish precisely 40/48S and 80S ribosomes. Note that in fraction 4 and 9 the CHX data points are obscured by the GMP data. d Comparison of translation initiation efficiency of Luc-SG in presence of miRWT. The control with miRmut is shown as dashed line for comparison. e, f As in (d), comparing the WT reporter replicon and DI mutants. Mean values (±SD), n = 3, in technical duplicates. RLU relative light units. Significance was determined compared to the miRmut control. The reference graph used to calculate is given in light gray. *P<0.05, **P<0.01, ***P<0.001. 40/48S and 80S containing fractions are highlighted by yellow or orange boxes, respectively. Note that results shown in panels (d–f) were obtained in absence of CHX