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. 2018;19(4):997–1003. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.4.997

Table 2.

Qualitative demographic characteristics in women participating in this study

Variable Frequency (Percent) Variable Frequency (Percent)
Place of residence Urban 269 (70) History of breast problem Yes with reference to the doctor 115 (29.9)
Rural 115 (30) Yes without reference to the doctor 77 (20.1)
Level of education Illiterate 19 (4.9) No without history of problem 192 (50)
Under diploma 134 (34.9) Type of experienced problem Breast pain 111 (57.8)
Diploma 173 (45.1) Breast benign disease 60 (31.3)
College 58 (15.1) Breast malignant Disease 18 (9.4)
Marital status Single 108 (28) Others 3 (1.6)
Married 256 (66.3) History of breast problems in close relatives Yes 65 (16.9)
Divorced 8 (2.1) No 319 (82.6)
Widow 12 (3.1) History of mammography Yes 46 (12)
Occupation Housekeeper 268 (69.8) No 338 (88)
Employee 116 (30.2) Source of information and encouragement of screening Midwiferies of health centers 12 (26.1)
History of breastfeeding Yes 263 (68.5) Doctor 16 (34.8)
No 121 (31.5) Media 5 (10.9)
History of menopause Yes 117 (30.5) Books and magazines 1 (2.2)
No 267 (69.5) Patient person 3 (6.5)
Economic status Less than enough 95 (34.7) Web and virtual space 5 (10.9)
Moderate 174 (45.3) Friends 3 (6.5)
More than enough 115 (29.9) In-person training 1 (2.2)