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. 2018;19(5):1281–1286. doi: 10.22034/APJCP.2018.19.5.1281

Table 1.

Sociodemographic Characteristics and Bivariate Analyses by Breast Cancer Screening (N=233)

Characteristic n (%) CBE Receipt Mammographic Screening Receipt
n (%) p-value n (%) p-value
Age (M=45.83, SD=16.83)
  20-29 44 (18.90) 15 (6.44) 0.000 37 (15.88) 0.000
  30-39 51 (21.90) 21 (9.01) 34 (14.59)
  40-49 57 (24.50) 39 (16.74) 10 (4.29)
  50-59 25 (10.70) 20 (8.58) 2 (0.86)
  ≥60 56 (24.00) 39 (16.74) 6 (2.58)
Marital status
  Married or partnered 156 (67.50) 105 (45.06) 0.000 108 (46.35) 0.000
  Never married/divorced/widowed 75 (32.50) 28 (12.02) 30 (12.88)
  <Bachelor’s degree 70 (30.40) 37 (15.88) 0.252 49 (21.03) 0.012
  Bachelor’s degree 160 (69.60) 95 (40.77) 88 (37.77)
English proficiency
  Very well 32 (14.10) 18 (7.73) 0.056 7 (3.00) 0.000
  Well 79 (34.80) 43 (18.45) 46 (19.74)
  Not well 107 (47.10) 68 (29.18) 77 (33.05)
  Not at all 9 (4.00) 2 (0.86) 6 (2.58)
  ≤$1,999 60 (27.00) 26 (20.47) 0.002 31 (23.48) 0.230
  $2,000-$3,999 50 (22.50) 24 (30.00) 25 (31.25)
  $4,000-$5,999 42 (18.90) 23 (44.23) 28 (48.28)
  $6,000-$7,999 24 (10.80) 15 (11.81) 17 (12.88)
  $8,000-$9,999 9 (4.10) 7 (10.14) 6 (8.22)
  ≥$10,000 37 (16.70) 32 (49.23) 25 (37.31)
Breast cancer literacy, M (SD) 4.17 (1.02) 4.3 (0.83) 0.047 4.27 (0.85) 0.130
Annual checkup
  Yes 107 (46.30) 80 (34.33) 0.000 80 (34.33) 0.000
  No 124 (53.70) 52 (22.32) 58 (24.89)
Family cancer history
  Yes 137 (58.80) 69 (29.61) 0.009 73 (31.33) 0.009
  No 96 (41.20) 65 (27.90) 67 (28.76)
Depression level, M (SD) 0.84 (0.50) 0.79 (0.50) 0.189 0.86 (0.50) 0.440
Health status
  Fair/good/excellent 211 (92.50) 125 (53.65) 0.307 128 (54.94) 0.942
  Very poor/poor 17 (7.50) 7 (3.00) 9 (3.86)

*p<.05, **p<.01, ***p<.001; t-tests were performed for breast cancer literacy and depression; all other variables were analyzed using Chi-square tests.