Figure 5.
Effects of Curcumin on Vimentin mRNA Expressions in MCF-7-Induced Endoxifen for 8 Weeks. Data were normalized to β-actin as reference gene. The results are expressed as the mean ± SD of the four experiments in three trials. DMSO (control); End+BE: Endoxifen 1000 nM+ β-estradiol 1nM; End+BE+Cur8.5: Endoxifen 1000 nM+ β-estradiol 1 nM+ curcumin 8.5 μM; End+BE+Cur17: Endoxifen 1000 nM+ β-estradiol 1 nM+ curcumin 17 μM. **p<0.01 versus control, ##p<0.01 versus End+BE.