Achromatic stimuli |
Visual stimuli that vary only in the total intensity of reflected light. |
Actinomorphy |
Two or more planes of symmetry; radial symmetry. |
Chromatic stimuli |
Visual stimuli that vary only in the spectral (wavelength) composition of the reflected light (color). |
Color distance |
A metric indicative of perceptual color difference between two stimuli in animal color spaces (graphical models based on photoreceptor properties and sensitivities). |
Color-opponency |
Combination of differential neuronal outputs of color-sensitive photoreceptors to create a signal in the processing of color. |
Floral integration |
Covariation in flower parts. |
Flower constancy |
Tendency for an individual pollinator to visit flowers of a single species within a foraging bout. |
Geitonogamy |
A type of self-pollination, in which a flower is fertilized by pollen from another flower of the same individual plant. |
Nectary |
Specialized cells that are usually part of a flower, which secrete sugary fluids. |
Photopigment |
A chemical that undergoes a chemical change when exposed to light. In vision, these are primarily the visual pigments or other opsin-based molecules. |
Poricidal anthers |
Anthers packed with loose pollen grains, dehiscing by a pore at one end of the thecae. |
Trichromacy |
A color-vision system based on three classes of color receptors. |
Visual acuity |
The minimum angular separation between two objects in the visual field that are perceived as distinct, at a given distance from the viewer. |
Visual field |
The limits of the space around the eyes from which visual information is obtained. |
Zygomorphy |
A single plane of symmetry; bilateral symmetry; one half of an object mirrors the other half. |