Fig. 2.
TLR4 knockout protects MD livers from NASH and changes in inflammatory gene expression. (A) The mass of TLR4 knockout MD fed mice livers (MD TLR4 KO) was significantly less than wild-type MD (MD). (B) Total animal mass was not significantly changed between the high fat diets. (C) MD TLR4 KO liver sections had significantly lower NAFLD scores than MD. (D) MD TLR4 KO had decreased hepatic injury compared to MD as indicated by lower serum ALT. (E) Levels of TNF-α mRNA were decreased in MD TLR4 KO animals as compared to MD. (F) Levels of IL-1β showed a trend toward decrease in MD TLR4 KO as compared to MD. (G) ICAM-1 was significantly down regulated in MD TLR4 KO animals as compared to MD. Data are presented as fold changes over level of CD (Baseline). Means with different lettered subscripts within each group are significantly different from each other, P <0.05. a is statistically different from b, and a,b is not statistically different from a or b. Data are expressed as mean ± SEM; n = 5–6.