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. 2018 Feb 23;97(7):776–786. doi: 10.1111/aogs.13311

Table 1.

Methodological quality assessment (QUADAS‐2 criteria)

Author, year Risk of bias Applicability concerns
Patient selection Index test Reference standard Flow and timing Patient selection Index test Reference standard
Consecutive or random sample of patients enrolled Case–control design avoided Inappropriate exclusion avoided Blind interpretation Prespecified threshold Correctly classify PCS Appropriate interval (index and reference standard) The same reference standard in all patients All patients included in analysis
Adams, 198726 Ua H U L H U U L H U U U
Campbell, 200320 L L L L H L L L L L L L
Giacchetto, 199024 U L U U L L L L L L L L
Halligan, 200023 L H L H H L L H L U L L
Park, 200411 U H L L U L L H L L L L
Rae, 199025 U L U U H U U L U U U U
Magnetic resonance imaging
Asciutto, 200812 L L L L L L L L L L L L
Meneses, 201027 U L L L L L L L L L L L
Yang, 201214 L L L L L L L L L L L L

PCS, pelvic congestion syndrome; QUADAS‐2, Quality Assessment of Diagnostic Accuracy Studies.


L, low risk; H, high risk; U, unclear risk.