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. 2018 Feb 23;97(7):776–786. doi: 10.1111/aogs.13311

Table 3.

Characteristics of included studies

Author, year Design Index test Parameters and thresholds Reference test Parameters and thresholds Position of patient index test/reference test
Campbell, 200320 Prospective cohort study TVUS + power Doppler Ultrasound congestion score:
‐ diameter of the largest vein measured < 2 mm (1), 2–5 mm (2), > 5 mm 3
‐ number of veins in the sector 0–2 (1), 3–6 (2), ≥ 7 (3)
‐ subjective assessment of congestion normal (1), moderate (2), severe (3)
Total: 3 = normal, 9 = severe congestion
Transuterine venography Venographic congestion score:
‐ ovarian vein diameter 1–4 mm (1), 5–8 mm (2), > 9 mm (3)
‐ contrast clearance < 20 s (1), 21–40 s (2), > 40 s (3)
‐ congestion absent (1), moderate (2), severe (3)
Total: 3 = normal, 9 = severe congestion
Giacchetto, 199024 Prospective cohort study TVUS Pelvic varcies: Circular or linear anechogenic structures with a diameter > 5 mm found in transverse and oblique scan sections of the lateral fornices
Vascular nature of these structures confirmed with Valsalva's maneuver and upright position
Retrograde phlebography Passive reflux in homolateral ovarian vein Supine
Halligan, 200023 Prospective case‐control study TVUS + power Doppler Ultrasound congestion score:
‐ diameter of the largest vein measured < 2 mm (1), 2–5 mm (2), > 5 mm (3)
‐ number of veins in the sector 0–2 (1), 3–6 (2), ≥ 7 (3)
‐ subjective assessment of congestion normal (1), moderate (2), severe (3)
Transuterine venography Venographic congestion score:
‐ ovarian vein diameter 1–4 mm (1), 5–8 mm (2), > 9 mm (3)
‐ Contrast clearance < 20 s (1), 21–40 s (2), > 40 s (3)
‐ Congestion absent (1), moderate (2), severe (3)
PCS: ≥ 6 points
Park,200411 Prospective case‐control study TVUS + TAUS +
color Duplex
Pelvic varicoceles: tortuous vein.
Dilated ovarian vein: > 5 mm.
Flow direction of ovarian vein
Selective ovarian venography PCS:
‐ ovarian vein diameter > 5–10 mm
‐ or uterine vein engorgement
‐ or congestion of ovarian plexuses
‐ or filling of pelvic veins across the midline
‐ or filling of vulvovaginal and thigh varicosities
Magnetic resonance imaging
Asciutto, 200812 Prospective cohort study MRV Pelvic venous insufficiency:
‐ dilatation ≥ 1.5 times the contralateral vessel
‐ or contrast depicting the pelvic plexus
‐ or varicose dilatation of hypogastric veins (tortuosity)
Phlebography ‐ Mild congestion; small, straight, similar in caliber and easily visualized
‐ Moderate congestion; vein variable in caliber, tortuous, difficult to see separately, diameter 0.5 –1.0 cm.
‐ Severe congestion; wide veins, great variation in caliber, markedly tortuous, diameter > 1.0 cm
Supine/35° reverse Trendelenburg
Meneses, 201027 Prospective cohort study MR PCVM PCS:
‐ slow anterograde flow velocity (peak velocity < 5 cm/s
‐ or retrograde flow
Direct venography PCS:
‐ ovarian vein diameter > 6 mm
‐ congestion of the ovarian plexus
‐ filling of the pelvic veins across the midline
‐ or filling of vulvovaginal and thigh varicosities
Yang, 201214 Retrospective cohort study TR‐MRA ‐ Grade I: Reflux in the left ovarian vein or left parauterine veins
‐ Grade II: Grade I with reflux in the right ovarian vein, reflux in left or right internal iliac vein, or varicosities of vulva or thighs
Selective ovarian venography ‐ Grade I: Reflux in the left ovarian vein or left parauterine veins.
‐ Grade II: Grade I with reflux in the right ovarian vein, reflux in left or right internal iliac vein, or varicosities of vulva or thighs

MR PCVM, magnetic resonance phase‐contrast velocity mapping; MRV, magnetic resonance venography; PCS, pelvic congestion syndrome; TAUS, transabdominal ultrasonography; TR‐MRA, time‐resolved magnetic resonance angiography; TVUS, transvaginal ultrasonography.