Graphical representation of host–parasite interactions on the Theileria annulata schizont surface. Parasite surface‐associated proteins identified in our BioID and co‐IP experiments (Ta‐p104, gp34, TaMISHIP, and TA03615) are shown in grey. Microtubule‐associating proteins found with BioID (CLASP1, Jakmip1), or previously published as binding to the parasite (EB1), are represented in green. Adaptor proteins (CD2AP, CIN85, ASAP1, and 14‐3‐3 epsilon) are represented in yellow, and proteins involved in nuclear transport (RanGAP1, RanBP2, Nup214, Nup160, and Importin B1) are represented in blue. The cell cycle‐dependent association of Plk1 with the schizont and the recruitment of the IKK signalosome complex and p53 have been described previously, and P in a circle represents phosphorylation