Fig 5. Kinetics of GFP expression by FACS analysis during the seven days following the bacmids transfections.
The positive control (blue dots): bacmid with the eGFP protein under the control of CMV promoter. Negative control: cells transfected without bacmid DNA, showing no GFP fluorescence, as for the Bac-to-Bac construct (without any GFP). GFP expression levels were highly similar between the p5eGFP construction and the Rep78eGFP (without ITR), excepted 5 days post transfection. In comparison the Rep78eGFP, within the ITRs context, showed a higher level of GFP expression than the same construct without ITR. This highlights the influence of ITRs on Rep expression via p5 and/or p19 promoters (n = 3). The bars represent the standard deviation.