Fig 4. PI3Ki inhibits growth and ablates PI3K regardless of PIK3CAmut status.
Buparlisib IC50 were similar regardless of PIK3CAmut status in NHA (A) and NHARAS (B) (S7 Fig). Fold changes in IC50 relative to parental and PIK3CAWT are shown as heatmaps. Representative immunoblots of control and PIK3CAmut NHA (C) and NHARAS (F) treated with buparlisib for 24 h. Immunoblot quantification (DEGH) demonstrated dose-dependent decreases in proximal PI3K (DG), with corresponding increases in MAPK (EH) in NHA (DE) and NHARAS (GH) lines (S10 Fig). Western blots were performed in either biological duplicates or triplicates.