Table 1.
Vaccination in end stage renal disease and pre-transplant
Vaccine | Live/inactivated | Comments |
Hepatitis B | Inactivated | Higher concentration in 3-4 divided doses Check seroconversion after 6-12 wk Repeat dosing if HBsAb titre < 10 IU/L |
Pneumococcal | Inactivated | (1) Adults (≥ 19 yr), previously unvaccinated; PCV-13 followed 8 wk later by PPSV-23 (2) Previously vaccinated; Single dose of PCV-13, one year after the last PPSV-23 |
HPV | Inactivated | All patients aged 9-26 yr |
Influenza | Live (LAV) | Contra-indicated |
Inactivated (TIV) | Recommended annually | |
MMR Rubella | Live | Mandatory for all paediatric patients; 2 doses given 4 wk apart Single dose booster for all sero-negative adult patients For all seronegative female patients of child-bearing age |
Varicella | Live attenuated | For all paediatric and adolescent patients, completed 6 wk before transplant |
HZV | Live | Recommended for all elderly (> 60 yr) patients Optional for those 50-60 yr with a history of varicella or zoster No evidence of benefit in those < 50 yr |
DTP Td/ Tdap | Inactivated Inactivated | For all paediatric patients Td; Formerly (before 2005) recommended to all adult patients as a booster Tdap to all as a one-time dose followed by Td booster every 10 yr |
BCG | Live | Routine neonatal vaccination done in Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, Africa and South America Elsewhere, recommended children < 5 yr deemed to be at high risk (see text) |
HPV: Human papilloma virus; MMR: Mumps and rubella; DTP: Diptheria, tetanus and pertussis; BCG: Bacille Calmette-Guérin; LAV: Live attenuated vaccine; TIV: Trivalent inactivated vaccine.