Table 3.
Variable | Units | Justification | Source |
Annual mean temperature (BIO1) | °C | Distribution limits of squamates are constrained by low temperatures at continental scales60 | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Maximum temperature of the warmest month (BIO5)* | °C | Although behavioral thermoregulation allows some avoidance of thermal stress, thermal tolerances are conserved in lizard lineages and influence habitat suitability62–64 | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Minimum temperature of the coldest month (BIO6) | °C | As per previous justification | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Mean temperature of the warmest quarter (BIO10) | °C | Temperatures need to be warm enough to permit at least a 7-month activity season, corresponding to seasonal activity period in South America49 and observed activity of a few individuals in Florida40 | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Mean temperature of the coldest quarter (BIO11)* | °C | Moderate winter temperatures would permit at least a 7-month activity season, corresponding to seasonal activity period in South America49 and observed activity of a few individuals in Florida40 | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Annual precipitation (BIO12)* | mm | Influences ecosystem dynamics and primary productivity | (average of values from 1950–2000)61 |
Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer [MODIS] Phenology EVI length of season | Days | Season length should influence resource availability, which in turn influences fitness and survival in many animals including lizards65 | 66 |
Mean annual potential evapotranspiration (PET)* | mm | Measures amount of water evaporated and transpired if water is not limiting; interacts to influence major vegetation associations at continental scales and is a strong predictor of animal species richness world-wide67 | (mean of 2000 to 2009 MOD16 A3 PET dataset) |
Solar radiation index (SRI) | No units | Important for ectothermic species to meet their thermoregulatory needs | Keating et al.68; equation 2, pp. 1345, using latitude, slope, and aspect derived from USGS map layers |
*Variables used in the final set of environmental layers.