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. 2018 Jun 13;4(4):167–179. doi: 10.1192/bjo.2018.22

Table 1.

Characteristics of the included studies. Studies are presented by year of publication and in alphabetical order

Author, year Analysisa N Diagnosisb Type of study % Female Mean age Country
Nielsen14 II 136 BD C-S N.K. N.K. Denmark
Malleson et al15 II, IVc 14 MDD TT N.K. N.K. UK
Bjørum45 II, IV 60 Depression TT with C-S 67 51 Denmark
Bjørum et al46 II, IV 68 Depression TT with C-S 75 47 Denmark
Naylor et al47 II, IV 62 BD TT with C-S 65 N.K. UK
Herzberg & Herzberg48 II 119 MDD C-S 41 32 Australia
Ramsey et al49 II, IV 83 BD, MDD TT with C-S 27 N.K. USA
Sengupta et al50 IV 131 BD, MDD TT with C-S 48 N.K. India
Strzyzewski et al50 II, IVc 46 BD, MDD TT 57 37 Poland
Frazer et al51 II, IV 194 BD, MDD C-S 51 46 USA
Thakar et al52 IV 140 BD, MDD C-S 57 40 Canada
Alexander et al53 IV 47 BD C-S 53 34 Lebanon
Banki et al54 II, IV 34 MDD C-S 100 42 Hungary
Linder et al55 II, IV 83 (rem) MDD TT + C-S 50 53 Sweden
Kirov et al56 II, IV 319 BD, MDD TT + C-S N.K. 36 Bulgaria
Widmer et al57 II, IV 53 BD, MDD TT + C-S 49 48 Switzerland
Widmer et al58 II, IV 101 BD, MDD C-S 53 46 Switzerland
Young et al59 II 225 BD, MDD C-S 61 37 Canada
Kamei et al60 II, IV 51 (rem) MDD TT + C-S 35 38 Japan
Walker et al61 III 71 Depression TT 100 NK UK
Levine et al62 II 29 BD, MDD C-S 59 56 USA
De Souza et al III 42 Depression TT 100 32 UK
Zieba et al64 II 35 MDD C-S 51 40 Poland
Imada et al65 II 101 BD, MDD C-S 43 45 Japan
Sharkey et al66 I 279 Depression C-S 100 ~80 USA
Hornyak et al67 III 11 Depression TT 55 47 Germany
Bhudia et al31 III 273 Depression TT 23 64 USA
Daini et al68 II, IV 162 MDD C-S 24 32 Italy
Barragan-Rodrìguez et al69 II 110 Depression C-S 75 77 Mexico
Barragan-Rodrìguez et al70 III 23 Depression TT 52 68 Mexico
Iosifescu et al71 II 29 MDD TT 57 42 USA
Nechifor72 II 76 MDD TT ~75 N.K. Romania
Jacka et al27 I 5708 Depression C-S 57 48 Norway
Rondanelli et al73 III 43 Depression TT 63 78 Italy
Bae & Kim74 I, II 105 Depression C-S 100 49 Rep. of Korea
Camardese et al75 II 123 MDD C-S 54 48 Italy
Huang et al76 I, II 210 MDD C-S 53 72 Taiwan
Jacka et al77 I 1023 MDD C-S 100 51 Australia
Cubala et al78 II 40 MDD C-S 58 32 Poland
Yary et al79 I 402 Depression C-S 43 33 Malaysia
Büttner et al80 II 30 MDD TT 43 46 Germany
Kim et al81 I 849 Depression C-S 100 15 Rep. of Korea
Miki et al82 I 2006 Depression C-S 11 42 Japan
Misztak et al83 II 179 BD C-S 61 45 Poland
Rajizadeh et al84 II 650 Depression C-S 70 34 Iran
Styczeń et al30 II 164 MDD C-S 75 N.K. Poland
Tarleton & Littenberg85 I 8894 Depression C-S 53 46 USA
Fard et al86 III 95 Depression TT 100 28 Iran
Gu et al87 II 329 MDD PROS + C-S 37 60 China
Martínez-Gonzalez et al88 I 15 836 MDD PROS 59 38 Spain
Rubio-López et al89 I 710 Depression C-S 52 8 Spain
Yary et al28 I 2320 Depression PROS + C-S 0 53 Finland
Bambling et al90 III 12 MDD TT 66 49 Australia
Mehdi et al91 II, III 12 MDD TT 75 47 USA
Miyake et al92 I 1745 Depression C-S 100 31 Japan
Rajizadeh et al32 III 60 Depression TT 73 32 Iran
Szkup et al93 II 198 Depression C-S 100 56 Poland
Tarleton et al94 III 112 Depression TT 62 53 USA

ADs, antidepressants; BD, bipolar disorder; C-S, cross-sectional; MDD, major depressive disorder; PROS, prospective; REM, remitted; TT, treatment trial.


This column indicates in which meta-analysis the study in the corresponding row was included:

I Dietary Mg2+ in relation to mood disorder prevalence and incidence; II Mg2+ in bodily fluids of patients and healthy control subjects or Mg2+ in relation to symptom severity; III Mg2+ supplements as an antidepressant; IV additional analyses ([1] differences in Mg2+ levels in bodily fluids between patients with mood v. other psychiatric disorders, [2] pre-post treatment (with antidepressants and/or mood stabilisers) differences in Mg2+ levels in bodily fluids, and [3] Mg2+ ATPase in erythrocytes or platelets; see Results section).


We distinguish depression from MDD here. Depression refers to self-reported symptoms, MDD to the diagnosed syndrome.


This study reported on changes in Mg2+ levels over the course of treatment in a single patient sample only.