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. 2018 Jun 1;141(6):e20173349. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-3349


Participant-Reported Descriptive Characteristics

Characteristics No. Responses Finding, No. (%) or Mean ± SD
 Female sex 281 161 (57)
 Age, y 316 27 ± 19
 Pediatric 316 131 (42)
 Height SDS 272 0.37 ± 1.1
 BMI (adult) 168 24 ± 3
 BMI SDS (pediatric) 106 0.44 (0.96)
Diabetes-related data
 Age at diagnosis, y 316 16 ± 14
 Years with T1DM 316 11 ± 13
Diagnostic category
 Diagnostic evidence of T1DM 316 85 (27)
 Strong evidence of T1DM 316 153 (48)
 Suggestive evidence of T1DM 316 35 (11)
 T1DM unascertained 316 43 (14)
 HbA1c at diagnosis 173 11.20% ± 2.72%
 Years on VLCDa 313 2.2 ± 2.9
 Use of a specific carbohydrate intake goal 313 223 (71)
 Carbohydrate intake goal, g 223 36 ± 15
 Goal achieved, d per wk 216 6.4 ± 1.0
 Country 284
  United States, Canada 193 (68)
  Europe, United Kingdom 40 (14)
  Australia 36 (13)
  Otherb 15 (5)
 Race and/or ethnicity 284
  White, non-Hispanic 250 (88)
  Hispanic or Latino 8 (3)
  Black 0 (0)
  Asian 2 (1)
  Other 24 (8.5)
 Education 283
  Primary or less 1 (0.4)
  Secondary 13 (5)
  Upper, postsecondary 31 (11)
  Tertiary 238 (84)
 Income 284
  Lower 22 (8)
  Middle 200 (70)
  Upper 62 (22)
 Diabetes care provider subspecialty 288
  Endocrinology 234 (81)
  Pediatrics, family medicine 38 (13)
  Other 16 (6)

The median was 1.7 y; the range was 0.2–31.7 y.


New Zealand, South Africa, United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Israel, India, and Aruba.