DM6 and MDA-MB231 cells were infected with PVSRIPO. (A) Silver stain was performed on oncolysates/corresponding supernatants. (B) Immunoblots from oncolysates/corresponding supernatants for tumor antigens (MART1/CEA), DAMPs (HSPs, HMGB1), HSP60 (mitochondrial), Na+/K+ ATPase (membrane-associated), PARP (nucleus), and tubulin (cytoplasm). (C) Immunoblot for dsRNA was performed from oncolysates/ corresponding supernatants of DM6 and MDA-MB231 cells (48 hpi); Ponceau S stain serves as loading control. Loss of total protein late during PVSRIPO infection corresponds with cell lysis. All experiments were repeated twice, and a representative series is shown.