Figure 3. Increasing NAc core+shell activity decreased chronic binge-like ethanol drinking without altering intake of other fluids.
a) Ethanol intake presented as average individual difference scores (intake during treatment with CNO – intake during treatment with vehicle). As in previous experiment (see Fig. 2), mice in the hM3Dq group showed a significant reduction as compared to mice in the GFP group (Student’s t-test, one tailed, t=2.114, df=15, p< 0.05). b) Average weekly ethanol intake after treatment with vehicle or CNO. Two-way ANOVA revealed a significant main effect of CNO treatment [F(1,22)=4.29, p=0.05 (*)] and a nonsignificant trend toward a group × treatment interaction [F(2,22)=3.11, p=0.06 (#)]. c) Altering NAc activity does not change intake of a bitter solution. There was a significant decrease in quinine intake at the higher concentration for all groups [F(1,23)=13.54, **p<0.01]. Mice consumed high levels of sucrose solutions (d) and moderate levels of the neutral solution, water (e). Separate ANOVAs were carried out for d) and e), where no trends or significant effects of treatment were observed for either fluid. n=8–9/group.