Fig 1. Experimental procedure and normalized saccade landing frequency maps.
(A) Stimulus timing and display. Participants prepared a saccade from the fixation target to 1 of 2 potential saccade targets (ST1 and ST2), presented simultaneously at 2 randomly chosen stimulus streams with an intertarget angular distance of either 90° (top panels) or 30° (bottom panels). The saccade targets were either shown continuously (cST1+2) or transiently (tST1+2). Stimulus streams could either be distractor streams, composed of alternating vertical Gabors and masks (40 Hz), or discrimination target streams, which included the presentation of a brief discrimination target (25 ms)—a clockwise or counterclockwise tilted Gabor—shown between 75 and 175 ms after the saccade target onset. Participants saccaded towards 1 of the saccade targets and had to report the orientation of the discrimination target, appearing randomly at 1 of the 24 stimulus stream locations. Note that stimuli are sketched in order to increase their visibility. Actual stimuli match those shown in the stimulus streams depiction. (B) Normalized saccade landing frequency maps averaged across participants (n = 10) for the 90° (top) and 30° (bottom) conditions (collapsed across the transient and continuous saccade target presentation). BTW, position in between the saccade targets; cST1+2, saccade targets continuously shown; DS, distractor stream; DT, discrimination target; DTS, discrimination target stream; FT, fixation target; ST1, saccade target 1; ST2, saccade target 2; tST1+2, saccade targets transiently shown.