Fig 5. AIB electrical synapses are required for the optimization of probability of omega turn.
(A) inx-1 mutants show impaired avoidance behaviors independent on the sorbitol concentration. n = 33,10,35,10,10. (B) The frequency of avoidance behaviors toward 2 M sorbitol. inx-1 mutants show reduced omega turns compared to the wild type animals. The inx-1 phenotypes were not different from those of lin-32 mutants and lin-32 inx-1 double mutants. n = 4,4,4,12. (C) Expression of inx-1 cDNA driven by its own promoter (inx-1; Pinx-1::INX-1) and the AIB lineage-selectively promoter (inx-1; Punc-130::INX-1) fully rescues osmotic avoidance defects in response to 2 M sorbitol. n = 21,21,22,13. (D) Expression of Punc-130::INX-1 cDNA fully rescues osmotic avoidance defects in lin-32 mutants in response to 2 M sorbitol. n = 21,21,13. (E) AIB::gfp::TeTx transgenic animals can adjust probability of omega turns depending on the sorbitol drop concentration. n = 8,8,9,9,9. n = plate (cohort) of approximately 10–20 animals. The data are presented as the mean ± SEM.