INS-1E cells that were seeded in 12-well plates. The cells were incubated with HSA-28P, “naked” nanoparticles or HSA-28 peptide for 24 h. After the indicated incubation time, cells were exposed to ATTO 488-fluorescent labeled antibody against an extracellular epitope of Neurexin 1α according to the manufacturer`s protocol. After then, cells were taken to Gallios Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter. Control cells (A), treated only by anti-Neurexin 1α antibody (B), treated by HSA-28P and anti-Neurexin 1α antibody (C), treated by “naked” nanoparticles and anti-Neurexin 1α antibody (D) and finally cells treated by HSA-28 and anti-Neurexin 1α antibody (E). The summary of the spectra of the fluorescent signals (F). The summary of cell counts and percentage of the inhibition. n=3.