Distribution of patients according to the presence of a positive result of the different immunoassays. In all, 33 of 330 patients (10%) showed a positive result in any of the different donor-specific immunoassays: of these 33, 10 patients (30%) showed a positive result in all tests, 8 (24%) were FC-XM−/DSA+/DSA-C3d+, 4 (12%) were FC-XM+/DSA+/DSA-C3d−, 8 (24%) were FC-XM−/DSA+/DSA-C3d−, and 3 (9%) were exclusively FC-XM+. DSA, donor-specific antibody; DSA-C3d, donor-specific antibody−C3d complement-binding; FC-XM, flow cytometry crossmatch.