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. 2018 Jun 22;20(6):e207. doi: 10.2196/jmir.9225

Table 5.

Analysis of health care costs.

Cost (US $) Cohorta Difference in slopes P valuee

BCBH-Db intervention, medical (N=558)c, pharmacy (N=330)d Matched controls, medical (N=1669)c, pharmacy (N=990)d Difference in slopes Cohorts time 1 Cohorts time 2

Pre Post Slope (change in cost) Pre Post Slope (change in cost)
All-cause medical cost

Inpatient 2274 1406 −868 2446 2490 44 −912 .03 .78 .01

Emergency department 381 316 −64 434 502 69 −133 .16 .54 .003

Outpatient 5327 4040 −1288 5651 5201 −450 −838 .001 .50 .01

Total 7997 5789 −2207 8551 8213 −338 −1869 .001 .53 .001
Diabetes-related medical cost

Inpatient 97 124 26 247 74 −172 198 .16 .19 .64

Emergency department 13 6 −8 18 14 −4 −4 .75 .58 .20

Outpatient 1437 1249 −189 1943 1711 −232 44 .92 .007 .007

Total 1558 1383 −175 2223 1808 −415 240 .58 .005 .04
All-cause pharmacy cost

Total 4405 4264 −141 4739 5675 936 −1078 .001 .34 .001

aAll subjects have 1 year of pretreatment time and 1 year of follow-up observation time.

bBCBH-D: Better Choices Better Health Diabetes.

cN of subjects with medical coverage.

dN of subjects with pharmacy coverage.

eAll analyses were conducted using generalized estimating equation repeated measures model with a gamma distribution and a logit link. The matched control cohort is the reference category in all analyses.