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. 2018 Jun 27;3(3):e000904. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000904

Table 3.

Numerator and denominator definition of SC interventions

Numerator (definition of use) Denominator (definition of need)
Prevention and promotion indicators
 Four or more antenatal visits Number of women 15–49 years old with at least one child under 5 years, whom for their most recent birth, reported having made at least four antenatal care visits Number of women 15–49 years old with at least one child under 5 years
 Full immunisation Number of children alive between 12 and 23 months who received the complete set of essential vaccines, that is, BCG, three doses of polio vaccine, three doses of DTP pentavalent, three doses of pneumococcal vaccine (from January 2011 onwards), and measles vaccines Number of children alive between 12 months and 23 months
 Condom use Number of men between 15 years and 54 years and women between 15 years and 49 years who had sexual intercourse with more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months, who reported condom use in their last sexual intercourse Number of men between 15 years and 54 years and women between 15 years and 49 years who had sexual intercourse with more than one sexual partner in the past 12 months
 Family planning Number of women 15–49 years, married or sexually active, reporting current use of any modern family planning method Number of women 15–49 years, married or sexually active, who are fecund and reported a desire to either limit or delay pregnancy for more than 2 years
Treatment indicators
 Delivery by skilled birth attendant Number of live births reported within 5 years of the survey, delivered by a skilled attendant (doctor, nurse or midwife) Number of live births reported within 5 years of the survey
 Appropriate treatment of diarrhoea Number of children that had diarrhoea in the preceding 4 weeks, who were given oral rehydration therapy or increased fluids Number of children under 5 years reported to have had diarrhoea in the preceding 4 weeks
 Treatment for ARI Number of children with symptoms of ARI that obtained treatment from a health facility or provider Number of children under 5 years of age who had symptoms of ARI in the 2 weeks preceding the survey
 Hospital admission Number of hospital admissions by individuals in the sample in the preceding 12 months Number of individuals in the sample

ARI, acute respiratory infection; DTP, diptheria, tetanus, pertusis.