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. 2018 Jun 22;3(3):e000764. doi: 10.1136/bmjgh-2018-000764

Table 2.

Quality appraisal studies reporting qualitative data (CASP tool)

First author and date (listed in chronological, then alphabetical order) Was there a clear statement of aims? Is a qualitative method appropriate? Research design appropriate to research aims? Recruitment strategy appropriate to research aims? Data collected to address research issue? Relationship between researcher and participants considered? Have ethical issues been considered? Was the data analysis sufficiently rigorous? Clear statement of findings? Quality rating:
Foggin 200623 Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell No Fair
Hemson 200726 Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Fair
Geere 2010 and 46 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell Yes Good
Domènech 201247 Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Fair
Stevenson 201234 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
Yallew, 201235 Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell Yes Good
Asaba 201331 Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell No Cannot tell No Fair
Robson 201332 Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell No Cannot tell Yes Poor
House 201448 Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Poor
Isoke 201449 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Good
Mukhulani 201450 Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Fair
Schatz 201451 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Yes Good
Bisung 201552 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
Sarkar 201553 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Good
Subbaraman 201554 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Good
Ghosh 201655 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Yes Yes Good
Mbereko 201656 No Yes Cannot tell Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Yes Good
Zolnikov 201657 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Yes Good
Ayoade 201758 Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Yes Cannot tell No Cannot tell No Poor
Mercer 201759 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Cannot tell Yes Yes Cannot tell Good
Thomas 201844 Yes Yes Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell Cannot tell No Cannot tell Cannot tell Poor