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. 2018 Jun;10(Suppl 16):S1855–S1863. doi: 10.21037/jtd.2018.05.191

Table 3. Pearson’s correlation (ρ) of post-operative complications and intervention typology in patients underwent resection in a critical area of the thorax.

Correlation Acute respiratory complications Chronic pain Flail chest Deformities Prosthesis Other reconstruction Wall reconstruction with or without prosthesis
Acute respiratory complications 0.036 0.631** 0.360* −0.689** −0.242 −0.841**
Chronic pain 0.036 0.003 0.047 −0.036 −0.261 −0.114
Flail chest 0.631** 0.003 0.436** −0.780** 0.036 −0.781**
Deformities 0.360* 0.047 0.436** −0.495** −0.046 −0.492**
Prosthesis −0.689** −0.036 −0.780** −0.495** −0.068 0.841**
Other reconstruction −0.242 −0.261 0.036 −0.046 −0.068 0.204
Wall reconstruction with or without prosthesis −0.841** −0.114 −0.781** −0.492** 0.841** 0.204

*, correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed); **, correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).