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. 2018 Jun;6(11):199. doi: 10.21037/atm.2018.04.36
Participants Adults with type 2 diabetes
Language restrictions English
Publication dates (from and to) for searching 2010–2018 (published high-quality reviews should address early publications of randomized trials)
Inclusion of guidelines ECRI institute (formerly the “Emergency Care Research Institute”) appraised, published since 2010
Meeting Institute of Medicine criteria for trustworthy guidelines
Inclusion of clinical performance measures Yes
Inclusion for systematic reviews (review quality, reviews with quantitative analyses) Yes
Inclusion of randomized trials Yes, published since 2010
Inclusion of observational studies for harms (study characteristics, design, applicability, sample size, statistical methods to reduce bias) Nationally representative prospective cohort studies of adverse effects with multivariate adjustment of adverse effects