Figure 4.
Overexpression of SOX7 inhibits the proliferation of TSCC cells in vitro. (A) The alteration of SOX7 expression in protein level was identified using western blotting in Cal27 and Tca-8113 cells after transfected with SOX7 vector or NC. (B) Cal27 and (C) Tca-8113 cell viability was detected using MTT assay after overexpression of SOX7. Relative PCNA expression was measured by RT-qPCR in (D) Cal27 and (E) Tca-8113 cells after overexpression of SOX7. Relative clone numbers were measured in (F) Cal27 and (G) Tca-8113 cells by clone formation assay after overexpression of SOX7. SOX7, sex-determining region Y-box 7; TSCC, tongue squamous cell carcinoma; NC, negative control; PCNA, proliferating cell nuclear antigen.*P<0.05, **P<0.01.