Table 1B.
Author (Year) | Inclusion period |
Country | Research center |
Tumor Type |
Case/ Control |
Median/ Range of follow-up(Mo) |
Detection method |
Cut-off | Outcome measures |
High expression percentage |
Variance analysis |
HR source |
Region |
Ayhan A(2016) | 1995-2013 | Muti-countrya | multicenter | ovarian cancer | 20/63 | NR | IHC | 80%b | OS | 24.1 | Multivariate | Reported | Mixed |
Nakayama K(2015) | 1998-2010 | Japan | single | EC | 54/54 | 52(5-139) | IHC | medianc | OS PFS | 50 | Univariate | Reported | Asia |
Zhou Z(2014) | 2002-2008 | USA | single | EAC | totald 112 | 39(0.3-142) | IHC | 10%e | OS | NR | Univariate | K-M curve | North America |
Wu S(2014) | NR | China | single | UTUC | 59/44 | 39(1-98) | IHC | 5f | OS | 57.28 | Multivariate | Reported | Asia |
Nakayama N(2010) | NR | Japan | single | ovarian cancer | 44/44 | NR | IHC | median | OS PFS | 50 | Univariate | Reported | Asia |
Farley J(2003) | NR | USA | multicenter | ovarian cancer | 62/77 | NR | IHC | meang | OS | 44.6 | Multivariate | Reported | North America |
Shariat SF(2006) | 1987-2002 | USA | single | bladder cancer | 125/99 | NR | IHC | 30%h | CSS RFS | 55.31 | Univariate | K-M curve | North America |
Chappuis PO(2005) | 1980-1995 | Canada | single | breast cancer | 67/186 | 96 | IHC | 50%i | CSS | 26.48 | Univariate | K-M curve | North America |
Lotan Y(2013) | 2002-2012 | USA | single | bladder cancer | 183/216 | NR | IHC | 30%j | CSS RFS | 84.72 | Univariate | Reported | North America |
Lundgren C(2015) | 1993-2004 | Sweden | multicenter | breast cancer | 186/186 | NR | IHC | NR | CSS DMFS | 48.45 | Univariate | Reported | Europe |
Luhtala S(2016) | 2003-2007 | Finland | single | breast cancer | 74/128 | 64.8 | IHC | 50%k | RFS | 36.63 | Univariate | Reported | Europe |
Matsushita R(2015) | 2003-2013 | Japan | single | bladder cancer | 30/30 | NR | RT-qPCR | median | OS | 50 | Univariate | K-M curve | Asia |
Pils D(2014) | 2005-2008 | Muti-countryl | multicenter | ovarian cancer | totald 167 | 49(1-69) | RT-qPCR | none | OS PFS | none | OS:Multivariate PFS:Univariate |
Reported | Europe |
Marchini S(2008) | 1992-2003 | Italy | single | ovarian cancer | OS:9/59; PFS:10/57 | NR | RT-qPCR | OS(0.124); PFS(0.34) |
OS PFS | OS:13.23 PFS:14.93 |
Multivariate | Reported | Europe |
Sieuwerts AM(2006) | 1979-1995 | Netherland | multicenter | breast cancer | 317/318 | 95(11-202) | RT-qPCR | median | OS DMFS | 49.92 | Multivariate | Reported | Europe |
Jansen MP(2011) | 1981-1996 | Netherland | single | breast cancer | totald 226 | 89(10-165) | RT-qPCR | none | PFS | none | Multivariate | Reported | Europe |
Kreike B(2010) | 1984-1995 | Netherland | single | breast cancer | totald 291 | 80.4(0.6-237.9) | microarray | none | RFS | none | Univariate | Reported | Europe |
Desmedt C(2006) | NR | UK | single | breast cancer | totald 205 | 97.32 | RT-qPCR | median | RFS | 50 | Univariate | Reported | Europe |
Fredholm H(2017) | 1992-2005 | Swedish | multicenter | breast cancer | 435/422 | 115.2 | IHC | 10%m | DMFS | 50.76 | Univariate | Reported | Europe |
a: Japan, USA. b: diffuse and intense immunoreactivity in 80% of tumor cells were considered highly expressed. c: median value. d: total: the study didn't provide detail number of control and case group. e: 10% or more of cells stained with a moderate to strong intensity was considered highly expressed. f: staining index score = 5. g: mean value. h: CCNE1 immunoreactivity was considered high when samples demonstrated more than 30% nuclear reactivity. i: CCNE1 immunoreactivity was considered high when samples demonstrated more than 50% nuclear reactivity. j: CCNE1 immunoreactivity was considered high when samples demonstrated more than 30% nuclear reactivity. k: CCNE1 immunoreactivity was considered high when samples demonstrated more than 50% nuclear reactivity. l: Germany, Belgium, Austria. m: CCNE1 immunoreactivity was considered high when samples demonstrated more than 10% nuclear reactivity.