Flow Cytometric and Multiplex Cytokine Profiling of CAR T Cell Subsets from PC3-PSMA Co-culture
(A and B) T cells were analyzed with flow cytometry at day 21 post co-culture of Pbbz or dnTGF-βRII-T2A-Pbbz CAR T cells. (A) shows the differential percentage of various T cell subsets, which is further represented as fold change of T cell subsets found in the dnTGF-βRII-T2A-Pbbz versus Pbbz CAR T cells alone (B). (C) Luminex 30-Plex cytokine analysis was performed using T cell supernatants isolated at days 7, 14, 21, and 28 from Pbbz or dnTGF-βRII-T2A-Pbbz CAR T cells, as shown in Figure 1E. Pbbz-alone T cells, green bars; dnTGF-βRII-T2A-Pbbz T cells, blue bars. The error bars represent ± SD. *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, and ***p < 0.001.